For more info: JSi@jsits.com
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Viscometer VISCO STAR
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Viscometer ] |
Rotational Viscometer
Visco Star Plus Viscosity measurement
without limits
The viscometer operates by the principle of rotation of a
cylinder or disc (spindle) which is submerged in he material to be
analyzed, measuring the resistance of the substance at a pre-set speed.
The resulting resistance or torque is the measurement of the flow
viscosity. The greater the resistance of the product to be determined, the
greater the viscosity.
Based on the speed and the characteristics of the spindle,
the torque is calculated and a direct reading of the viscosity is provided
in cP (CGS) or mPa-s (lS).
Visco Star Plus viscometers are equipped with different
types of spindles and speeds which provide a wide range of measurement of
The great versatility of the Visco Star Plus viscometers
make them ideal tools for all kind of users, being used in quality control
laboratories as well as industrial facilities where manufacture is
performed, no matter how demanding or hard the working conditions are. The
high quality and reliability of our equipment allow us to offer a 2-YEAR
The design of the standard spindles and the measurement
principles of viscometers are as described in ISO 2555 and
ISO 1652 standards.
Main Features
- Direct readout of all measurement parameters on an illuminated
Liquid Crystal Display.
- Data on screen:
- Speed selected: r.p.m.
- Spindle selected: S.P.
- Viscosity reading: cP (mPa-s) or cSt
- Percentage of full scale: %
- Sample temperature: °C or °F
- Shear rate (with special spindles): SR
- Shear stress (with special spindles): SS
- Density (to be entered by user): g/cm3
- Determination of relative viscosity and absolute viscosity
- Different menu options
- Up to 10 working memories can be stored
- The data recorder in CGS can be converted to lS
- AUTO TEST of the equipment by scanning at different speeds, with
audible and visual warning if it is not operating properly.
- Temperature determinated by PT100 probe
- Viscosity reading: dynamic viscosity (cP or mPa-s) or kinematic
viscosity (cSt).
- Datalogger function of the obtained results when an experiment
is performed. The equipment is supplied with Windows software which can
dump the data obtained to a file in Excel format (.xls) for subsequent
- Determination of shear rate and shear stress with coaxial spindles.
- The viscometer and the PT100 can be calibrated by the user.
- Auto range function to determine the maximum viscosity with each
spindle/speed combination.
- It can work with a plotter.
- Ultra-sensitive front keyboard that allows easy input of all
- Progressive decrease in speed every time the rotation is brought to
a stop, avoiding sudden shakes in the spindle.
- "ERROR" message in the screen with sound alarm when the viscosity of
the test material exceeds the full scale of the selected combination
- Sound alarm if the equipment is working at under 15% of selected
full scale.
- The viscometer is equipped with 19 pre-sets speeds, from 0.3 to 200
r.p.m. The user can select another different speed into this margin.
- Safety protection against sudden rises in the power supply.
- Different language options.
- Anti-slip stand.
Technical file
- Direct reading in cP (mPa-s) or cSt for the VISCO STAR PLUS L and
- Direct reading in Poise or Strokes for the VISCO STAR PLUS H model.
- Accuracy: ± 1% of the full scale.
- Resolution:
Using LCP (Low Viscosity Adapter):
When viscosity is lower than 10,000 cP:
When viscosity is equal or higher than 10,000 cP: 1
- Repeatability: 0.2%
- Thermometer characteristics:
from 0.0 °C to + 100.0
from + 32.0 °F to + 212.0 °F Resolution: 0.1 °C / 0.1722
°F Accuracy:: ±0.1°C Type of probe: PT 100
- Outputs: RS232, plotter.
- All models are supplied with 85/265 VAC
- Net weight: 5 kg.
Model |
Measuring range |
Fixed speeds in r.p.m. |
15 -
2,000,000 Cp |
0.3 -
200 |
100 -
13,000,000 Cp |
0.3 -
200 |
2 -
1,060,000 Cp |
0.3 -
200 |
The equipment is supplied complete in a carrying case with spindles,
spindle holder, protector, base stand and mechanical nut. Windows software
is also provided for dumping the data from the viscometer to the
The spindles are manufactured in AISI 316 stainless steel. They can be
identified by the appropriate number and letter and are easily
interchangeable depending on the range of viscosity to be determined.
LCP: Low Viscosity Adapter: Performs accurate, reproducible
measurements of viscosity starting at 1 cP. Sample volume from 16 to 18
ml. includes circulation jacket which provides thermostatization of the
sample between - 10 °C and + 100 °C. Supplied with special
spindle. LCP/B: Low viscosity adapter without circulation jacket.
Performs accurate, reproducible measurements of viscosity starting at 1
cP. Sample volume: from 16 to 18 ml. Supplied with special
spindle. APM: Adapter for small samples. Performs extremely accurate
measurement of viscosity and determinations of shearing percentage.
Includes circulation jacket which provides thermostatization of the sample
between - 10 °C and + 100 °C. Sample volume: from 8 to 13 ml. APMB:
Adapter for small samples without circulation jacket. Performs extremely
accurate measurements of viscosity and determinations of shearing
percentage. Sample volume : from8 to 13 ml. HELDAL: Unit with
helicoidal motion. Specially recommended for materials which do not flow
easily such as cream, paste, gel, etc. Supplied with a coupling unit and 6
"T" needle spindles. ELECTROTEMP: Temperature control unit. Sample
volume: from 8 to 13 ml. Thermostatization of the sample by 3 Peltier
cells. Temperature range from + 15 °C to + 150 °C. THERMOVISC:
Different circulators to thermostizate the samples, are
available. STANDARD SILICONE OILS: For calibration of any rotational
viscometer. Standards oils with different viscosities are available.
Other viscometers
- VISCO BALL (Falling ball viscometer)