Soil Compaction Meter


  • Low Cost
  • Easy to use
  • Real time Results
  • Non-Nuclear
  • No Licensing
  • Download Data To Your PC

soil_compaction_meter.jpg (8117 octets)Soil Compaction Meter

The Soil Compaction Meter (SCM) was developed as an effective yet low cost quality control instrument for sol reinstatement. Unlike Nuclear devises, The SCM requires no licensing, little training and can be utilized during the compaction process. The SCM provides REAL TIME information to crews as they operate their portable compaction equipment and activates the operator when to STOP COMPACTION - without delays or interruptions.

Soil Compaction Supervisor

The soil Compaction Supervisor (SCS) takes quality control one step further by offering the ability to record compaction date for later analysis. A reusable data key allows for information to be stored and downloaded to a personal computer. The SCS has internal memory with the capability of retaining data on up to 90 soil lifts, and can retain data on up to 200 lifts with the key. Once downloaded, the data can be stored and manipulated in a spreadsheet format to verify Q/C results, monitor crew performance or use for future reference and analysis in instances of excavation subsidence.

Simple Operation...Advanced Results...

Both the SCM and the SCS are hand-held, battery powered, electronic devices which indicate to the operator when maximum compaction has been achieved for a given soil lift. When used in conjunction with a simple set of compaction guidelines (6 to 12 inch lifts, moisture at or below optimum, etc.), either instrument gives the STOP COMPACTION signal at 95% or higher standard proctor with a 95% confidence level (see MBW's website <> for 1998 correlation testing with over 1000 nuclear density measurements).

A single sensor is buried in each excavation. As individual soil lifts are compacted, signals from the sensor are interpreted by a mathematical algorithm contained within the unit's electronics. As each soil lift becomes more dense, the compaction energy transmitted through the soil to the sensor increases. The algorithm filters and manipulates successive energy pulse readings to determine when compaction is optimized. The field crew is notified by a visual signal from the SCM or SCS. Operation is very straightforward, requiring minimal crew training.

Utility companies and Contractors, now have the ability to ensure effective compaction methods and verify it with a permanent Quality Control file. Provide your company with an insurance policy that the compaction process achieved maximum compaction for the specify conditions, lift by lift. Provide inspectors with compaction data for the entire job site reducing their need for costly end-result testing procedures.

Utility companies and contractors also have the opportunity to ensure field crews are maintaining effective compaction procedures. Field crews receive immediate feedback while site managers and superintendents can review stored data to verify methods are being strictly followed. Compaction data ensures that corners are not being cut during this crucial phase of the construction process.

A permanent Quality Control file allows for the past data to be analyzed and interpreted. From this,changes to compaction standards can be made when necessary. Additionally, trends with regards to geographic area or unique soil characteristics can be identified and planned for in the future.

A disposable piezoelectric sensor produces voltage proportional to pressure wave amplitude transmitted through progressively denser soil. Resulting signals are fed into the Meter's electronics where they are filtered and synthesized. The SCM and SCS calculate a continuously refined maximum theoretical soil density for each soil lift and tracks actual density performance relative to the maximum. When an asymptotic cut-off point is reached, the SCM and SCS indicates stop.